Live Webinar

How to Organize an Annual Giving Campaign that Dra

Join Sabrina Walker Hernandez for this 90-minute interactive nonprofit webinar where she will show y
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Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Done Right: How To Soar t

Join Givebutter’s Floyd Jones for this 60-minute FREE webinar about the four strategies to help your
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Nonprofit Financial Stewardship

Successful nonprofit executives must navigate complex financial-compliance requirements and simultan
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Defeating Bias :How to overcome the "Pretty Idiot"

Join us for an inspiring event, where Vanessa Dietzschold , WaveMakers Alumna , will talk about how
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Closing the Gap for a Fair and Equal Workplace

This is a Panel Discussion from an outstanding lineup of Seasoned Executives about their experiences
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Global social workers from every corner of the globe will be celebrating professional development re
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Plastic-Free Pet Care: Safeguarding the Health of

Did you know that plastic can be harmful to your pet’s health? From plastic toys to disposable food
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