Latest Events

Fall 2024 Matching Gift Summit - Nonprofits and K- ...

The Fall 2024 501c3 Matching Gift Summit will gather top nonprofits and K-12 schools to share their challenges, best practices, and successes in the employer Matching Gift space...
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"Feminist Funded 2023" - Women’s Funding Network

Women’s Funding Network empowers a deeply intersectional movement that fights for policies and standards across lines of race, class, and gender, and is the largest philanthropic alliance in the world ...
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International Fundraising Congress (IFC)

War still rages, our planet still warms, women still stake their lives on the fight for equality, the few still have more than the many. There is only one thing that delivers real change: people power ...
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Raise Reimagine Generosity

Attending RAISE is more than just your typical conference experience, it’s an opportunity to connect with fellow fundraisers and experts, grow professionally and be inspired by the top event fundrais ...
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Grant Writing Quick Start Workshop

As a nonprofit leader or a grant writer, you may hear things like, “Why don’t you just write a grant for that?” Easier said than done! Some days it may seem that everyone is winning grants except you. ...
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Ask The Expert Session: Attracting & Keeping Talen ...

Attracting and keeping talent is perhaps more important now than ever before. The Great Resignation of 2021 and a Turnover Tsunami have shaken up the workplace...
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Best Practices in Board Engagement

Want to learn best practices to increase board engagement? If so, this webinar is for you! In this session with Christal M. Cherry, participants will learn how to nurture and engage board members to b ...
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How to Drive Donor Engagement with Social Media

For nonprofits to effectively raise money and build community on social media requires thoughtful, strategic, and consistent effort and a boatload of creativity. In this workshop,..
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Maximizing Impact: The Blueprint for Success with ...

In challenging times, monthly donors are true lifesavers. They keep the lights on. They keep your mission going, no matter what happens in the world.
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Free Nonprofit Webinar: How to Supercharge Your Gr ...

There is no doubt, to be done successfully, grant research takes critical time away from effective grant writing and grant relationship development and maintenance...
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AFP IL, Chicago Chapter Event: Partnership Philant ...

As we seek to advance the missions of our institutions, partnerships are another way to gain support and expand the reach of organizations. In this panel discussion learn about how several organizatio ...
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Generosity Xchange 2023

Join us for an event that fosters connection and community through diverse insights and hands-on learning. This year, we're empowering attendees to design magical generosity experiences that unify mar ...
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Latest Resources

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementation ...

NetHope's Center for the Digital Nonprofit publishes these white papers in an ongoing effort to help nonprofits gain program efficacy; organizational resilience; and innovation from technologies and d ...
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The Connected Charity

"Digital developments are a double-edge swordfor charities. On the one hand, it’s easier than ever to reach out to, inspire and stay connectedto donors, thanks to newer channels such associal media... ...
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White Papers published by NetHope's Center for the ...

NetHope's Center for the Digital Nonprofit publishes these white papers in an ongoing effort to help nonprofits gain program efficacy; organizational resilience; and innovation from technologies and d ...
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White Paper on a Framework for Supporting Voluntar ...

Voluntary activity forms the very core of all vibrant and inclusive societies. It involves an incredible diversity of types of activity, ranging from the very informal to the highly structured. It c ...
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What is a Nonprofit Organization?

If you are starting a nonprofit, thinking about it, or have just started a nonprofit, or KNOW someone who is trying to start a nonprofit, I hope this helps!..
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6 Types of Grants for Nonprofits (and how to find ...

Whether you’re starting a nonprofit organization or fundraising for an existing nonprofit, grants are one of many options for funding or expanding a special project or program...
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How to Start a Nonprofit with No Money

If you are starting a nonprofit, thinking about it, or have just started a nonprofit, or KNOW someone who is trying to start a nonprofit, I hope this helps...
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Nonprofit vs. For Profit – Which Should You Start?

These are some of the questions I answer, along with explore which you should start if you want to impact the world. You’ll get a clear understanding of which organization is for you...
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Zero Breast Cancer

Infographics have been trending in popularity these past few years and it’s no wonder since 65 percent of the population are visual learners. They are a powerful tool for nonprofits to engage supporte ...
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Why Donate

This infographic is perfect for nonprofits and NGOs to explain the causes they support and the impact their charitable work leaves with just a hint of stats to give your infographic a professional fin ...
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A Quick Guide to SEO for Non-Profits

As the new year sets in, having an online presence is more important than ever for most businesses, and that includes non-profits...
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Charitable Giving in Canada

Contributions from Canadians are integral to supporting our quality-of-life. Here are the latest statistics from the 2010 Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating...
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Search Engine Optimization SEO for Nonprofits: 3 B ...

Chances are, your nonprofit uses its website as a central information hub. Here, people can learn more about the history of your organization, your mission, and how you serve the community. They may e ...
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The Problem With “Doing More With Less” – Building ...

You might have heard the phrase, “Do more with less,” once or twice before, and if you work in the nonprofit sector, you’ve likely heard that phrase dozens of times. It’s a fundraising professional’s ...
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Announcing 7 New Features for Fundraisers: Streaml ...

JustGiving fundraising pages are one of the most powerful ways people raise money online. Today we’re introducing new ways to help people make an even bigger impact for your charity...
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Google Analytics 4 (GA4) for charities: what you n ...

The current version of Google Analytics that your organisation is most probably using to measure and track all kinds of website data is officially known as Universal Analytics (UA). However, UA is bei ...
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